Pre-K Open House
PS 36X The Rising Stars School
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 @ 9:00am
Program Overview
School Tour
Meet the Teachers
1070 Castle Hill Avenue
Bronx NY, 10472
PS 36X The Rising Stars School
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 @ 9:00am
Program Overview
School Tour
Meet the Teachers
1070 Castle Hill Avenue
Bronx NY, 10472
Family Art Night
Spring Flowers
Come and create a beautiful painting with your first grader!
Wednesday, February 26, 2025 5:00 - 7:00pm
Must register to join, space is limited.
*Sign-up link opens
February 3rd @ 8pm for equitable access.
Family Art Night
Spring Flowers
Come and create a beautiful painting with your first grader!
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 5:00 - 7:00pm
Must register to join, space is limited.
*Sign-up link opens
February 3rd @ 8pm for equitable access.
RFA Week Trainings for Families
The Respect for All (RFA) Team is proud to share this catalog of our upcoming family facing professional learning opportunities.
During Respect for All Week, February 10 -14, 2025, schools across the city will have the opportunity to highlight and build upon ongoing programs to help students, staff, and communities gain a better understanding of diversity. This year’s themes include:
The NYCDOE Respect for All (RFA) program was launched in 2007 to build the capacity of staff and students to actively promote a community of inclusion in each of our schools. The importance of promoting respect for diversity in our daily practice is vital to creating and sustaining an inclusive school climate and culture in each of our schools so that all students feel valued, supported and safe.
NYCPS is committed to maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment that is free from harassment, intimidation and/or bullying, sexual harassment, and discrimination on account of actual or perceived race, color, age, creed, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship/immigration status, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, or weight.
RFA Week Trainings for Families
Exploring the Range of Emotions (Virtual) In this workshop by Morningside Center, we will be looking closely at big, more intense emotions, how to navigate them ourselves, and how to support those we care for through them. We will spend our time exploring a range of feelings, including anger, and working together with several powerful and practical strategies for dealing with “big” emotions in ways that further connection and care.
Supporting Religious Differences with Respect for All In this workshop by Tenenbaum, we will look at how the rising generation is growing up in an increasingly religiously diverse world, encountering differences in schools and social settings. What skills do children need to navigate this diversity, and how can parents help? In this 60-minute session, participants will explore religious diversity in America, reflect on their own experiences with religious identity, and explore communication skills that demonstrate respectful curiosity.
Understanding the Adolescent Brain (Virtual) In this workshop by Morningside Center, we will learn about adolescent brain development, what that looks like in action, and ways for us to support and navigate through adolescence alongside our children. Adolescents need and deserve adults that support their development and understand what they might not yet be able to do. This looks like: guidance, practice, time, space, repetition, support, permission to make mistakes, and collaborative corrective measures.
Bystander Intervention for Educators: Modeling a Culture of RespectIn this workshop by Right To Be, participants will strengthen their real-time intervention skills to foster a respectful workplace and model a culture of respect for students. Learn how adults in schools can embody Right To Be’s 5Ds of Bystander Intervention—Distract, Delegate, Document, Delay, and Direct—to foster a respectful workplace and set the stage for student engagement.Explore the Spectrum of Disrespect tool to recognize commonchallenges school staff face and discuss effective responses. Leave with a toolkit of prompts to help students develop their own bystander intervention skills this Respect For All Week, and beyond.
Respect for All LGBTQ Informational Session for Parents/CaregiversThis multimedia webinar introduces families to some of the academic content students are learning from History UnErased’s LGBTQ-inclusive US history and civics curriculum. Participants will have the chance to meet many of History UnErased’s professional learning facilitators, ask questions about the organization’s goals, professional learning session topics with K-12 educators, and the developmentally-aligned language and content in the curriculum.
The Parent Association
Snack Sale
Cookies, Brownies, Cupcakes and more!
Come join CEC 8 for our Calendar/Business Meeting
February 12, 2025 at 6PM
Location: PS 36
1070 Castle Hill Avenue
Bronx, NY 10472
Meeting ID: 985 0076 9162
Password: 865804
TeachHub is a portal that provides quick links to apps for learning, including:
Students must sign in with their DOE Student Accounts. Once signed in they can access all other apps without signing in again.
Steps to log in to TeachHub
Steps to log into your Google Classroom.
*After your first log in, the Google Classroom app will be on your homepage. You can then click on the heart to make it a favorite so it will always be there when you sign on.
Steps to log into Beanstack & Log Reading
**After your first log in, the Google Classroom app will be on your homepage. You can then click on the heart to make it a favorite so it will always be there when you sign on.
***After your first log in, the Beansack app will be on your Clever home page, and you will only have 3 steps! You can also click the heart to make it a favorite.
** The dress code is expected to be followed every day except during
School Spirit days.
** Coats/Hats should not be worn in class.
** The school attire can be purchased at many stores such as Old Navy,
Target, Kids Place (Parkchester), Cookies (Westchester Square), etc.
** If purchasing the school attire presents a hardship, please let us
P.S. 36x Rising Stars 2024-2025 School Supply List
Please note the following: All students will need access to a desktop, laptop, OR a tablet and internet access. If you do not have a device, please let the school know so we can support you as best as we can. Devices that were collected in June will be given back to students in September/Early October. In addition, it is recommended to have some pencils, crayons, scissors, glue and paper for home as well.
2 plastic folders
1 hand sanitizer
1 box of tissues
1 pack of baby wipes
2 rolls of paper towels
1 extra set of clothes placed in a labeled Ziploc bag to be kept in school. (Please remember to include socks and underwear and include appropriate seasonal clothes.)
1 crib sheet and 1 small blanket labeled with name for nap time. (No quilts or heavy blankets.)
Please note: We will be collecting $5 for nap bins.
No backpacks please!
2 plastic/sturdy folders
2 additional folders
1 pack of construction paper
2 packs of pencils
1 pack of crayons
1 pack of glue sticks
1 backpack without wheels (Please make sure the backpack is big enough to fit a folder.)
1 hand sanitizer
1 box Ziploc bags (Gallon)
1 box of tissues
1 pack of disinfectant wipes
2 rolls of paper towels
1 extra set of clothes placed in a labeled Ziploc bag to be kept in school. (Please remember to include socks and underwear and include appropriate seasonal clothes.)
Grade 1
5 plastic/sturdy folders (Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Yellow)
2 packs of pencils
8 glue sticks
1 box of 24 pack crayons
1 pack of black dry erase markers
1 small pencil box
2 hand sanitizers
3 boxes of tissues
1 roll of paper towels
1 pack of disinfectant wipes
1 box Ziploc Bags (Gallon) OR 1 pack of construction paper
Please note: We will be collecting $5 for specialized folders.
Grade 2
5 plastic/sturdy folders (Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Yellow)
2 pack of pencils
1 pack of crayons
1 small pencil box
1 pack of glue sticks
1 hand sanitizer
1 box Ziploc bags (Gallon)
2 boxes of tissues
1 pack of baby wipes
2 rolls of paper towels
1 pack of disinfectant wipes
1 pack of post-its with lines
3 black & white (wide lines) notebooks
Grade 3
2 plastic folders
5 additional folders
5 black & white (wide lines) notebooks
2 pack of pencils
1 pencil sharpener with cap
1 pack of crayons
2 highlighters
1 small pencil box
1 pack of glue sticks
1 pack of post-its
1 hand sanitizer
1 box Ziploc bags (Gallon)
2 boxes of tissues
1 pack of baby wipes
2 rolls of paper towels
Grade 4
2 plastic folders
5 additional folders
5 black & white (wide lines) notebooks
2 pack of pencils
1 pencil sharpener with cap
1 pack of crayons
2 highlighters
1 small pencil box
1 pack of glue sticks
1 pack of post-its
1 hand sanitizer
1 box Ziploc bags (Gallon)
2 boxes of tissues
1 pack of baby wipes
2 rolls of paper towels
Grade 5
3 solid color folders
2 packs of pencils
2 packs of post-its
5 black & white (wide lines) notebooks
1 pack of glue sticks
1 pack of crayons or colored pencils
1 pack of pens
2 hand sanitizers
2 boxes of tissues
1 pack of disinfectant wipes
1 roll of paper towels
The NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) Portal will allow you to:
P.S. 36 is committed to creating a safe, nurturing environment in which learning and teaching are exciting. We will provide each student with a diverse education that promotes independence, creativity, and excellence in learning. We believe that when educators, parents, and students collaborate, students achieve personal and academic success.